Beyond Cherry Apple Crush 100ml
Indulge in the robust flavor experience of Beyond Cherry Apple Crush in a 100ml bottle. This e-liquid delivers a powerful blend of red and green apples, accompanied by a sweet blackcurrant vest and a cherry kick that beckons for repeat enjoyment.
Beyond e-liquid is presented as 80ml in a 100ml short fill bottle, leaving room for two 10ml nicotine shots of your choice. Adding two 10ml, 18mg nic shots creates 100ml of 3mg e-liquid. With a composition of 70% VG and 30% PG, it's optimized for generating ample clouds without compromising flavor. For optimal results, pair it with a sub-ohm vape kit or tank.
BEYOND E-Liquid – Cherry Apple Crush features 80ml of e-liquid, accommodating 2 x 10ml TABnic shots to create 100ml of e-liquid exceeding 3mg strength. Two TABnic shots are included for free, ensuring a convenient and customizable vaping experience. With a child-resistant cap and availability in 0mg, 3mg, and 6mg, this UK-manufactured e-liquid promises a delightful and versatile vaping journey.