Guava fruits are distinct so is the e-juice only that it is flavored with guava. As very few people will disagree, the taste of guava e-liquid is sweet with some freshness. To create a sweeter combination usually guava e liquids are mixed with mango or when a tangy taste is required, with pineapple. Mango or any other fruit e-liquids, on the other hand, are also temperature resistant and can be combined with guava E-liquids. For those who love a light and creamy vapour but still a strong taste, guava e-liquids are perfectly combined with cream or pastry e-liquids. GUAVA FLAVOURS FOR VAPE IN PAKISTAN  All patients thus demanding erasures of lightning which render a cooling and light taste have an option of sampling our guava e-liquids. GUAVA FLAVOURS FOR VAPE IN PAKISTAN